
What does it mean to be a MLAS Accredited Landlord?

The Midland Landlord Accreditation Scheme recognises reputable landlords and companies who provide their tenants with high quality and safe accommodation. Using an MLAS landlord should provide you with a positive experience of renting a property.

Before we will accredit a landlord, they must:

    • Sign up to the MLAS Code of Conduct, which includes certain requirements. Landlords must:
      • Act in a fair and reasonable way and respect the rights of tenants to have peaceful and quiet enjoyment of the property.
      • Give tenants 24 hours‘ notice when access to the property is required.
      • Provide tenants with a tenancy agreement, inventory, details of how the deposit will be managed, and contact information for the landlord.
      • Not harass tenants.
      • Ensure all accommodation is in a reasonable state of repair and maintained to an acceptable standard.
      • Attend to repairs and defects promptly.
    • Landlords must attend a one-day accreditation seminar to learn about best practice for landlords, housing legislation, and what is expected of them.
    • They must also sign a legal declaration to say they are a ‘fit and proper person‘ to be a landlord.