Landlords – What is MLAS?


The Midland Landlord Accreditation Scheme (MLAS) is managed by the Homestamp Consortium with the primary focus of accrediting professional landlords.

Membership is on an individual basis. Any individual can apply to become accredited so long as they fulfill some basic criteria. They must:

  • complete the Application Form;
  • agree to the MLAS Terms and Conditions including our Code of Conduct and be able to certify they are a ‘fit and proper person’ under the Housing Act 2004 to provide rented accommodation;
  • attend the Accreditation Day Seminar.
  • Maintain Continual Professional Development (CPD)

MLAS Accreditation is for a 5 year period, during which time, Accredited Members must undertake Continual Professional Development (CPD). This enables them to keep up-to-date with the latest legislation, advice and guidance on renting and letting property.

To become a Member of the MLAS you must either attend our Accreditation Day Seminar at a cost of £150.00 per person  For more information on this see our JOIN MLAS section.

If you earn 50+ CPD points during your Accredited period, your membership can be extended at a cost of £50.00 for the subsequent 5 years. Points can be earned in a number of ways. Please look at our CPD Guidance sheet for more information. This is available under LANDLORD RESOURCES.

Partnerships, Limited Companies or Agent can also become accredited provided they are able to satisfy the ‘TWO THIRDS RULE’. This means two thirds of those members of staff engaged in the professional letting and management of the property portfolio within the business MUST be individually Accredited.


For those wanting to rent you can see the latest lists of accredited agents and landlords, alongside their MLAS Membership number.

There is also information on what to expect from a MLAS registered landlord or agent, or if you are already renting from a MLAS registered landlord or agent – an opportunity to feed back your views – be they positive or of a concern. See RENTING for more information.